Vanek’s wide knowledge and involvement with the world of the arts and music has enabled clients achieve phenomenal transformations in their lives and careers. His clients have gone on to success across a wide spectrum of artistic fields. These include access to music studios, collaboration with other musicians, further and higher education, creative writing and publishing, film-making, music production, animation, exhibitions and sales of artworks.
Vanek succeeds in bringing life coaching techniques that might have been previously limited to more privileged groups right into the heart of mental health recovery.
Coaching Tools
Using tools such as the Wheel of Life, action plans and coaching tools, individual clients identify areas where they wish to make changes and move forward with their lives.
Life Coaching – how does it work?
Life Coaching works best with a series of 45 minute individual sessions – usually five in all, with further sessions if the client requires. The Coaching Contract You have contracted me to help you identify areas in your life where you wish to see change happen. As your coach it is my job to champion you in achieving those changes In a practical SMART time-lined way.