In 2013 a successful collaboration between JVT (John Vanek Trainings) and ACAVA (Association for the Cultural Advancement of Visual Arts) led to the making of the animation short 'Mister Fox's Night Out'.
Funded by Merton Arts Development, the film is entirely the work of a small team of people with long-term mental health conditions and was shown at the 2013 Wimbledon Film Festival.
'Mister Fox's Night Out' has been developed from approaches to mental health recovery that focus on social inclusion and person-centred practice.
The clients who put together a team engaged in the making of a short film, have ventured a long way into inclusive practice. As one participant put it:
'We started with nothing, got totally engaged, achieved a great deal and with an end product'.
When individuals are enabled to take full ownership of a project from start to finish, a transformation takes place. Individuals once categorised as 'clients' become colleagues.
John Vanek has worked in the field of mental health since 2006. Since 2013 he has been a freelance fundraiser for arts and social inclusion projects. He also works as an independent fundraiser for St. John Ambulance and the 'Make a Difference' campaign to promote first aid training to school pupils between the ages of 5 to 17 years.
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